
We have AA available at FLCC on Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. Contact: Melody Jairl through the church office at (360) 876-3901

Backpacks for Kids
This is a weekend food program that works with First Christian Church, the SK School District and the Boys & Girls Club to help feed children.
What could I do to help? † Bring Food to Welcome Center † Donate money to purchase food items † Help deliver backpacks Friday morn. † Bring recyclable bags to Wel. Ctr. Acceptable Food Donations: † Can of Tuna † Box of Macaroni & cheese † Instant Oatmeal hot cereal Packets † Top Ramen soup (not Cup-of- Noodles) † Pudding cups † Granola/protein bars †Snack size cracker sandwiches Contact persons: Jim & Sharee Wright shareecw@hotmail.com

Coffee Oasis
The Coffee Oasis exists to impact communities through economic, social, and spiritual transformation. Who We Are The Coffee Oasis is a faith-based, non-profit organization that consists of two things: coffee shop businesses, and programs for homeless, street-oriented youth. What Do We Do? Our cafés provide community gathering places, and serve our self-roasted coffee from direct-trade coffee beans. The Coffee Oasis youth programs offer friendship, belonging, resources, and partnerships to homeless and street-oriented youth. We seek to partner with other organizations, civic clubs, and churches in order to best meet the needs of the individuals we serve. Where are we located? Port Orchard Café 807A Bay St Port Orchard, WA 98366 360.602.0407 Hours: Mon – Thu, 7am – 7pm / Fri 7am – 9pm / Sat 8am – 5pm What Can I Do to Help? Volunteer at Teen Center Open 2-5pm M – Thursday 2-9 pm Fridays Donate healthy snacks Bring “Late Night Meal” Donate funds Contact: Church office (360) 876-3901

Community Garden
Goal: Provide fresh, seasonal produce to folks in need in South Kitsap. Ours is a close partnership with South Kitsap Helpline, community members, and FLCC. Opportunities for all ages to plan, garden, and harvest. Monetary and in-kind donations are welcome. Come and help for the health of it! Contacts: Shirley Best, shirley72442@yahoo.com  Marcia Coyne, mcoyne@wavecable.com

First Giving
Our goal is 500 items per month. We collect non-perishable food items on the 1st Sunday of each month. Then the food will be delivered to South Kitsap Food Bank Helpline. Contact person: Kelly Hassebrock flcba@gmail.com

Global Warmers/Lutheran World Relief Lutheran World Relief
A ministry of US Lutherans, serving communities living in poverty overseas. Quilt-making No experience necessary We meet the 1st and 3rd Wednesday in Fellowship Hall at 9:00 Kits We collect and pack items for baby care, School, personal care and fabric kits. Personal care kit bath sized soap, clipper w/file, adult toothbrush, bath towel dark, comb – wide tooth. Baby care kit diaper pins, socks, gowns or sleepers, sweaters or hoodies, t-shirts, ivory soap, receiving blankets, diapers, hand towel dark. School kit spiral paper, rulers inch/cm, pencil sharpener, ballpoint pens, pencils w/erasers, crayons 16 or 24, scissors, erasers, drawstring bags. Fabric kit fabric 6 yds 44 wide, 2 spool thread. Contact: Diane DeMulling at dddemulling@wavecable.com

Noah’s Ark Child Care Center
Noah’s Ark Daycare is a Christian, family-orientated care center for children ages one month through twelve years. We are licensed and regulated by the Department of Social and Health Services of Washington. The center is open year-round from 5:30 AM to 6:00 PM and is closed on most national holidays. How can I help? † Volunteers are needed, age 16 and older. Background checks are required. Contact: Amanda McKenney nadaycare.flcc@gmail.com

Noah’s Ark Pre-school
We are a Christian oriented program with activities to allow for the development of the WHOLE child. Under the constant supervision of qualified teachers, each child is guided physically, emotionally, spiritually, socially, and intellectually to meet the needs of tomorrow’s world. How can I get involved? † Enroll your pre-schoolers † Invite others † Help with fundraising † Visit to tell about your job or special interest † Prepare class materials † Assist with playground maintenance Contact person: Karen Spellman, Dir. at noahsarkpreschool@wavecable.com

READY for Kindergarten
All South Kitsap families of children ages birth to five are welcome to attend FREE parent education classes. READY! shares powerful ways to talk, read, sing, and play with young children. We furnish TOOLS to help master developmental targets. Where: Orchard Heights School When: 1st weeks of October, February, May Why: You are your child’s most influential teacher Contact: Marcia Coyne @ mcoyne@wavecable.com or check out Readyforkindergarten.org

S.K. Family Kitchen
Our ecumenical ministry of 9 churches provides dinner for low-income individuals and families who have “more month left than money”. Dinner is served family style at 5:00 on the last two Mondays, Tuesdays Thursday and Fridays of each month at First Lutheran Community Church Fellowship Hall, 2483 Mitchell Road S.E. Port Orchard, WA 98366. We serve 30-80 meals every night with all left-overs going home with guests. How can I help? Sign up monthly to: † Welcome the guests † Set up tables † Prepare food † Serve the guests † Clean up † Donate needed food items. The participating churches are: First Lutheran Community Church, St. Gabriel Catholic Church, Adventure of Faith Presbyterian Church, Elim Lutheran Church, St. Bede’s Episcopal Church, Port Orchard United Methodist Church, New Life, South Colby United Methodist Church Unitarian Fellowship Church. Contact person:Sonja Miller through the church office.

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